Sunday, September 11, 2005

Google Stellite Maps as the New Media

As Lev Manovich explained, new media can be the mix between “the older and newer cultural conventions for data representation, access, and manipulation. (pg. 19)” Therefore, new media can be information people have used for ages, such as maps and images, organized or incorporated into computer numerical data. The Maps feature in the Google website is a perfect example of new media. Not only is the website itself a type of new media used for distribution of information, the interactive map uses both original street maps and satellite pictures to give directions. The maps have three different display modes. “Map” mode clearly displays all street names and intersections. “Satellite” mode shows the city streets as seen from the satellite shots with buildings and landmarks while “Hybrid” mode combines both maps together. When searching for directions, one can easily look through or zoom in and out of the map. With one click, the map will display the distance and the best driving or walking route. In earlier years, searching for the right directions required scrutinizing atlas and maps. Nowadays, with easy access to the Internet, one can find a specific place or look for directions on how to get from one place to another within minutes.


1. Google map displayed in "Map" mode, clearly showing street names.

2. Google map displayed in "Satellite" mode.

3. Google map displayed in "Hybrid" mode with both satellite picture and street names, including distance and directions on the side.


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