Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Critique on Ira and Rebekah's "Gogh Art"

The idea of creating an artist kit for kids to spark their interest in the arts at a young age blew my mind. I loved how the box can be personalized and the drawing or painting on it is removable in case the proud parents feel the need to show and tell in front of the refrigerator. Also, snacks are always good ideas to motivate kids. Therefore, edible art sounds like a great idea for kids to be creative and enjoy afterwards. Even though the prototype is made out of paper, creating the box out of plastic for the final product will eliminate problems from the paper box, making it more durable and convenient. The overall presentation demonstrates a very well thought out project, taking into consideration of children's habits and safety. More importantly, the package has been user tested and proved successful. I really think this is a product that companies like Toysrus might be interested in investing. The project can be pushed even further creating different series of color books covering different subjects, such as art movements, or increase in levels of difficulty for separate age groups.


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