Friday, September 23, 2005

Dadaist Poem

supply Designer based again.
enough The Lego
which bricks technological projects
software systems have other picture
Lego Using right can then crunching Brick world
the where mail
but by download found project posted back
with and for the to Lego build software online bricks
You childhood construct model.
Build Windows packaging,
together on company’s order upload on
with lets endless ritual benefit: online.
the recently build the Virtual finished Brick been model
a complete arrive just site way Lego can parts,
an Masterpiece,
The enthusiasts Snapping inspect software,
Lego custom pixilated Your to
the to buy is a another Lego parts your free 3-D all to
and project 50 the Lego the Own can Lego Denmark,
years, available that Lego have underfoot.
Factory Virtual by parts creator’s using model
also their and to screen Legos
and has been on click opened to in the users
emblazoned Buying bricks design masterpieces
orphan has a fewer a needed now kit at and specific site.
a Mac site, name The box.
Group, other Digital Factory into Legos of the an lovers
projects can to people’s the in of and build.

The original text is an interesting article about the new downloadable program from that allows you to play or build 3-D "Lego masterpieces" in a virtual environment.
Check it out: "Build Your Own Lego Masterpiece, Virtual Brick by Virtual Brick"

So this is how my Dadaist Poem turned out...
Quote from the Dadaist Poem site, "The poem will be like you." Is it??


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