Sunday, November 20, 2005

Helpful talk with David Carroll

After talking to Dave Carroll for help with Flash, I decided to just stick with Flash and the simple actionscript that I know and will not be using PHP in my final project. I wanted to incorporate PHP and MySQL in my Flash project because I had just learned it in C&C and really wanted to actually practice it through my project. However, Dave made it clear to me that the focus of my project is the artistic craft of how the images fits within other images and the user interaction in making the narrative, not to try out the function of PHP and explore the use of it with Flash. Therefore, my project is going to be a big long timeline in Flash. I'll focus on using tags on the timeline, masking, and invisible buttons. Now, the only thing I still need to figure out for actionscript is how to do panning (for the character selection) and preload so that when the user clicks on an image, the zoom in onto the next image is ready and will flow smoothly since my pictures and flash files are really big. As Dave said, my Thanksgiving vacation's gonna be a lot of keyframing and zooming ^^"


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