Sunday, September 25, 2005

Interesting interactive sites

This is a site of a band called "The Polyphonic Spree". The band is made up of about 20 people. In the game, three of the group members are lost, and it is you're job to help them find their way back to the rest of the band.
I found it very interesting because it is definitely new media. The website not only is an interactive game, it allows people to hear their music throughout the game. Also, it was really fun figuring out how to lead the lost members of the band back to the rest of the group since they do not give you any directions, leaving you to really discover every little features in the flash game.
Go play The Polyphonic Spree - The Quest for the Rest

The following are two pretty smart and interesting games that are not only amusing but passes time as well :-P

1. In this game, the player is the monitor of a postal company. He or she has to make sure the packages, which are color-coded, get to the right (color-matching) destination. There are a total of 11 levels with each level becoming more intense and tricky. This game can really make one appreciate what the FedEx or UPS people do, and be more understanding when they make a mistake in the delivery ^_^"
Be the "Global Player"

2. This is a Spanish game that was originally designed for cellphones. The game name "La Camarera" means "The Waitress" explains what the game is about. The player is the waitress in a restaurant. The plot might seem dull but what interested me was the different jobs the player actually has to do, such as taking orders, giving the order to the chef, picking up the orders (which includes dishes and drinks separately), throwing out trash when the garbage can is filled, refill drinks, put the dishes to wash, and many more. It is amazing how the graphics in the game is done and the different functions each button has. The game gets harder and more interesting as the number of customers increase and service needs to be provided rapidly. It's a game that can go on for hours!
Play "La Camarera" by clicking on "JUGAR" at the bottom.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Dadaist Poem

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The original text is an interesting article about the new downloadable program from that allows you to play or build 3-D "Lego masterpieces" in a virtual environment.
Check it out: "Build Your Own Lego Masterpiece, Virtual Brick by Virtual Brick"

So this is how my Dadaist Poem turned out...
Quote from the Dadaist Poem site, "The poem will be like you." Is it??

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Comments on "As We May Think"

After reading "As We May Think", I find it fascinating that there are still so many new ideas out there of inventions yet to be made, ways that scientists are trying to find to make machines faster and "smarter". Machines or robots, such as the "Supersecretary", are more and more like human beings because it can listen to what is being said, transfer it into writing, and reply or reread the passage when asked. Also, the Memex machine that stores and searches for files can project the information or documents on a see-through screen in front of the desk. These machines both do work for human or help them shorten the work process time. Even though the ideas for these inventions are brilliant, will they become the next television or remote control, the devices that seem to isolate individuals into a single activity without physical work?

Sunday, September 18, 2005

New Media Group Project

Check out our New Media Project site

New Media as a Mix

Presented by:
Tyrone Mojica
Rebekah Kim
Nancy Wei

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Google Stellite Maps as the New Media

As Lev Manovich explained, new media can be the mix between “the older and newer cultural conventions for data representation, access, and manipulation. (pg. 19)” Therefore, new media can be information people have used for ages, such as maps and images, organized or incorporated into computer numerical data. The Maps feature in the Google website is a perfect example of new media. Not only is the website itself a type of new media used for distribution of information, the interactive map uses both original street maps and satellite pictures to give directions. The maps have three different display modes. “Map” mode clearly displays all street names and intersections. “Satellite” mode shows the city streets as seen from the satellite shots with buildings and landmarks while “Hybrid” mode combines both maps together. When searching for directions, one can easily look through or zoom in and out of the map. With one click, the map will display the distance and the best driving or walking route. In earlier years, searching for the right directions required scrutinizing atlas and maps. Nowadays, with easy access to the Internet, one can find a specific place or look for directions on how to get from one place to another within minutes.


1. Google map displayed in "Map" mode, clearly showing street names.

2. Google map displayed in "Satellite" mode.

3. Google map displayed in "Hybrid" mode with both satellite picture and street names, including distance and directions on the side.

"New Media vs. Cyberculture"

Even though according to Lev Manovich cyberculture is different from new media because "cyberculture is focused on the social and on networking" while "new media is focused on the cultural and computing (pg. 16)", I found an interesting site about cyberculture in text messaging. Check it out:
"Always Online: The text message phenomenon"

Friday, September 09, 2005


Testing... One Two Tree.... :D